Elegant coding Vs. computational complexity: the truth

Elegant coding Vs. computational complexity: the truth

2016, Nov 29    

As developer, is very frequent that you could incur into the most famous pursue of the glory: write elegant and beautiful code.

But what if elegant code is not performant code at all?

Let’s see two algorithms that actually achieve the same result: you have a list of integers, and for each index you want to find the product of every integer except the integer at that index (not using division!)

Here the elegant version:

def get_products_of_all_ints_except_at_index__quadratic(l):
    len_l = len(l)
    products = [1] * len_l
    for i in range(len_l):
        for j in range(len_l):
            if j == i:
            products[i] *= l[j]
    return products

As you can guess reading the code, or simply the name of the function, the code above has a quadratic O(n^2) complexity. In fact, you can understand simply standing in front of the nested-loop.

Is that elegant? Yes, it is.

Now let’s see the ugly version:

def get_products_of_all_ints_except_at_index__linear(l):
    len_l = len(l)
    products = [1] * len_l
    products_after, products_before = [1] * len_l, [1] * len_l
    for i in range(len_l - 1, -1, -1):
        if i == len_l - 1:
        products_after[i] = l[i + 1] * products_after[i + 1]
    for i in range(0, len_l, 1):
        if i == 0:
        products_before[i] = l[i - 1] * products_before[i - 1]
    for i in range(len_l):
        products[i] = products_before[i] * products_after[i]
    return products

As you can guess reading the code, or simply the name of the function, the code above has a linear O(3n) == O(n) complexity. In fact, you can understand simply counting the 3 loop that aren’t nested each-other.

Is that ugly? Yes, it is.


100 repetitions: "O(n^2)" version: 10.9088919163 secs
100 repetitions: "O(3n) == O(n)" version: 0.08582782745 secs

Lesson is: sometimes ugly (but performant!) is better :)